Release Notes
Release Notes - 14.08.2024

New Features:
  • Webhooks for sending reports
  • Scheduler with CRON expressions

  • Enhanced feed update mechanics
  • Optimized CPE feed data retrieval
  • Improved web and WAF scanning mechanics
  • Updated approach for transitioning scans to IDLE status (only new scans that haven't run will transition)

  • General improvements to feed update mechanics
  • Fixed CWE update process
  • Corrected scan status management
  • Resolved CPE integration issues

Release Notes - 18.07.2024

New Features:
  • Migrated to a new feed service (CVE, CWE, CPE)
  • Introduced new report formats: CSV and CSVZIP
  • Added a new method for sending reports via Telegram bot

  • Expanded descriptions and recommendations for WAF payloads
  • Enhanced settings block frame on the report view screen
  • Optimized scanner performance
  • Upgraded to a new version of Spring Boot
  • General enhancements in reports and scan details
  • Updated user manual

  • Corrected sorting of the Web Threats list in scan details
  • Fixed retrieval issues with scan templates
  • Fixed CVE update process
  • Improved scan result processing
  • Corrected CVE feed search functionality
  • Changed vulnerability type categorization for open ports
  • Corrected the display of severity for open ports and ciphers in reports
  • Fixed duplicate CVE entries in the database
  • Resolved scan status display issues on the dashboard
  • Fixed the display of sub-tasks in task details

Release Notes - 04.07.2024

New Features:
  • Integrated WAF testing module
  • Added a new WAF block in reports
  • Introduced a setup page for scans, including a WAF Scan block

  • Optimized scans and active network test lists
  • Updated user manual
  • Redesigned error page according to the new layout
  • Enhanced "Hide Zero Data" setting to conceal statistics with zero data in the WebApp Brief (when SSL and WAF blocks are also empty)
  • Added a page for displaying informative error messages to users (e.g., when a scan fails to open or data fails to load)
  • Improved error handling
  • Added error output for temp-scan, scan, and report
  • Updated CLI utility for basic configuration (available in new Ubuntu-based images)

  • Fixed scan result processing
  • Corrected LDAP form field validation
  • Fixed sequential numbering issues
  • Removed the "Chinese character" from the default avatar
  • Fixed indentation and block numbering in the WebApp Brief
  • Corrected statistics display for the WebApp block
  • Adjusted caption-error font size from 12 to 16

Release Notes - 20.06.2024

New Features:
  • Transitioned to a new versioning system (0.0.73 ->
  • Added a platform loading screen
  • Added a new attribute to the LDAP form (may require reconfiguration)
  • Introduced an updater for software and service configuration updates, with a new update process screen

  • Enhanced feed update mechanics
  • Improved report display for open ports and general system updates
  • Updated user manual

  • Corrected license binding mechanism (product reactivation may be needed)
  • Fixed task scheduling validation issues
  • Resolved a login form vulnerability that allowed account enumeration
  • Fixed validation of host/domain names when creating IT assets and scans
  • Corrected issues with report export to PDF
  • Fixed password masking in the LDAP form
  • Improved scan sorting mechanics
  • Corrected error messages
  • Fixed licensing mechanism errors
  • Improved scan list filtering, including in the dashboard widget
  • Corrected vulnerability statistics calculation
  • Ensured consistency of the CWE feed
  • Fixed user creation during initial scanner deployment
  • Improved scan result handling
  • Resolved task history issues (removed duplicates, corrected final status settings)
  • Fixed incorrect restart of active scans upon application reboot

Release Notes - 29.05.2024

New Features:
  • Preparation for transition to the new versioning system (0.0.72 ->
  • Redesigned product update mechanics
  • Added additional info screens in scanning tasks
  • Introduced diagnostic log collection on the About page
  • Added an internal resource scheduler, improving performance and queue management
  • Detailed scan stages added in History
  • Enabled deletion of scan results
  • Included certificate information in reports

  • Optimized task scheduler forms
  • Improved mechanism for deleting unnecessary IT assets
  • Enhanced ARP scanning logic

  • Fixed license exceedance errors
  • Corrected report export mechanics
  • Adjusted statistics display
  • Improved error messaging
  • Fixed status display issues
  • Resolved user authentication problems
  • General system improvements

Release Notes - 29.04.2024

New Features:
  • Added detailed view in History
  • Implemented new certificate verification mechanics
  • Expanded role-based access model for users
  • Enabled mass deletion of dissociated IT assets

  • Enhanced scan templates
  • Optimized scanning mechanics of the WEB scanner module
  • Updated CWE database parser to version 4.14
  • Introduced a progress indicator for the scanning process

  • Fixed WAF scan result data formation
  • Corrected error in CWE list filtering
  • Fixed progress reset issue at scan start
  • Improved task scheduler functionality
  • Resolved error during CPE update
  • Fixed issue allowing users to delete their own accounts
  • Corrected scan target validation
  • Removed data duplication

Release Notes - 10.02.2024

New Features:
  • Added scanning template mechanics
  • Introduced IT assets section
  • Added modular reporting features
  • Introduced a console utility for configuration

  • Modified task creation forms
  • Optimized scanning functions

  • Resolved script processing errors
  • Corrected dashboard statistics

Release Notes - 03.09.2023

New Features:

  • Introduced dashboard
  • Developed perimeter scanning mechanics
  • Added report export formats: HTML/PDF
  • Implemented email report sending
  • Enhanced user management
  • Added trash bin feature



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